Dr. Kristina Moore
Family Practice - IUD Clinic - Subdermal Implant Clinic - Pessary Care
The purpose of this site is to share information with my current future patients.
Find information on the services that I provide by clicking the appropriate button below.
Are finances preventing you from visiting Banff National Park or from accessing exercise facilities in the city?
At your next visit, ask me about:
- a nature prescription (https://www.parkprescriptions.ca/) or
- a prescription to get active (https://www.prescriptiontogetactive.com/).
If you go for any lab tests - no news, means no news.
To decrease the risk of missed results - I ask that you book follow-up appointments after every lab test to ensure the results are reviewed.
You are also able to access your own results via My Health Records.
I highly recommend that you sign up for this service so that you are able to review your own results as well.
You can register for this service here: https://myhealth.alberta.ca/myhealthrecords
Silver Springs Medical Centre
142 - 8060 Silver Springs Blvd NW
Calgary AB, T3B 5K1
Phone: 403-930-6090
Fax: 403-460-6091